1. Register
After you click register .There are 2 ways to sign up.
2. Sign Up
2.1. Sign Up with Email
Click on "Email signup" to sign up with Email
2.1.1. Fill Registration Information
2.2 Sign Up with Facebook
Click on "Facebook" to sign up with facebook
2.2.1. Click "Continue as You" to sign you up with your facebook account.
1. Register
In China Electric's website (1688, Taobao, TMall) Pick your satisfaction with the goods, copy commodity details page link
2. Add to Cart
Paste link to purchasing merchandise search bar, click "I want to purchasing" and manually select the color, size and so on, click "Add to Cart"
3. Submit Order
i. Click the shopping cart, select the net purchase of goods and click on "Submit Order" (proposed to buy all the goods you want to add to the cart after the submission together)
ii. After you create a successful order, the order status is "Being reviewed", usually within 1-3 hours to complete the audit work